Caci None Surgical Treatments

Working with CACI International, Serenity Beauty & Hair offer our clients an exciting opportunity to reverse the signs of ageing without the need for painful and expensive surgery.

Micro-CurrentCaci Non-Surgical

Using Micro current technology the CACI system uses electrical currents to stimulate, rejuvenate and tone the facial and body muscles reducing the signs of aging.  Micro Current technology is a medical treatment that was developed over 20 years ago and has been used to treat thousands of patients across the globe.

Micro-current stimulation delivers tiny electrical impulses that mirror the body’s own natural bio electrical field. In most cases, treatment is virtually sub- sensory, with just a slight electrical tingling sensation.
Originally developed for treating facial palsy Micro-current therapy is now also used widely in physiotherapy for pain control and in hospitals for wound healing. As an aesthetic treatment micro-current stimulation has been shown to have a number of other cosmetic benefits:
•   re-educates muscles,
•   increases blood and lymph circulation ,
•   enhances the penetration of the active ingredients of skin care formulations
•   increases the production of collagen and elastin
•   increases protein synthesis, gluconeogenesis and cell membrane transport 
•   increases mitochondria activity , adenosine triphosphate  (ATP)
Microcurrent in aesthetics is commonly described as “facial toning or non surgical face lifting” due to the dramatic lifting effect that micro-current has on facial muscles and facial contours.


As we age, the automatic process of exfoliation and cell renewal slows down. Sometimes the body needs a little help.

Microdermabrasion is a  cosmetic procedure in which the stratum corneum  (dead outermost surface of the skin )  is partially or completely removed by light abrasion.
The removal of the dead skin cells reveals the softer more youthful looking skin cells underneath.
The superficial abrasion of the skin also triggers the body’s own natural repair mechanism which triggers the production of new collagen and releases glycoaminoglycans in order to rehydrate and replenish the recently abraded area. This has a remarkable softening action on surface lines and wrinkles.
The procedure is not very painful and requires no anesthetic. Microdermabrasion can be used medically for scar removal when the scar is raised above the surrounding skin, but is less effective with sunken scars.

Microdermabrasion can also be used to treat sun-damaged skin and to improve acne but must be repeated periodically to be effective. Different microdermabrasion methods are used to the exfoliate the skin

Light Therapy

The application of light as a treatment therapy is termed “Phototherapy” derived from the measurement of light energy in units of photons.
Light energy is in every nerve, cell, gland and muscle of the body and each emits its own unique frequency vibration.
When the body becomes out of balance (due to age, health, environment, lifestyle or other external factors) the frequency vibration within the cells is affected and this disruption can lead to signs of ageing, skin conditions, illness and disease.
Each colour wavelength of light has a specific and unique frequency vibration. Specific light wavelengths have a bio stimulatory action on the cells and so can be used to effectively normalize cellular imbalances and treat certain skin conditions.
There are now numerous scientific studies on the effect of phototherapy in the healing of acne and other skin conditions.

How To Book

Although treatments can be booked individually it is strongly recommended that you complete the full course, for a fuller longer lasting youthful look. We can tailor packages to suit your needs and wishes just call us or book a consultation session and we can walk you through the procedures, benefits and the results you can expect.